"The Yellow Prince" by Vasyl Barka published in German
Kyїv publishers Yaroslaviv Val published The Yellow Prince by Vasyl Barka in German (as "Der Gelbe Fürst"). The Yellow Prince ("Zhovtyi kniaz'", the 1960s) is an important Ukrainian novel. It is about the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide (Holodomor) of 1932–33. It was Barka's second novel. I remember reading it at school, it was both a scary and exciting reading. The German translation is by Maria Ostheim-Dzerowycz (Vienna, Austria).
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ВідповістиВидалитиJag ska skicka ett ex till dig! (Nar jag sag den tankte jag genast pa dig och Jelena!) :-)
ВідповістиВидалитиDet ser jag fram emot!
ВідповістиВидалитиPS Förresten såg jag att svensklektoratet i Lviv utannonseras. Lite grann funderar jag på att söka det...